Over the years, there has been an elite group of metaphysicians who coined the term,” Indigo Child,” based on their ability to see the colors of the auras of children they observed. At this point in time, debates and arguments regarding whether one believes this to be true or not is now irrelevant. It is irrelevant because we just happen to be living in an era where unfamiliar and rarely discussed phenomena is at immediate hand, and time is not on our side.
In brief, it has been said the Indigo Children who would now be in their late twenties or early to late thirties, came to be on this planet with clear purpose. That purpose was backed with a warrior spirit, as they were to help mankind awaken from the deep slumber of generations past, present, and future, while exposing broken social systems. Unfortunately, most parents of these children were unaware of this. Most had never even heard of metaphysics, and if they did, it probably sounded like some weird hippie stuff from back in the 70s and gave it little to no attention. The changes scheduled to occur were delayed, because no one was there to receive, nurture, and guide the Indigos.
Their missions got twisted in a serious societal lack of awareness, and the difference between who they were and who mainstream society wanted to force them to be, were at opposite ends of life’s spectrum. This caused social pandemonium. These children were labeled with mental health disorders. They were given dangerous psychotropic drug cocktails based on bogus diagnoses. They were romanced to partake in activities that could rob them of life. Far too many young lives were placed in detention facilities for acting out behaviors they barely understood. Huge numbers were numbed and dumbed with pharmaceutical and street drugs. And until this day, the average adult, including their parents, still know nothing about them.
Now, they are all grown up. And as adults, they are pairing up with one another, and it will take some deep soul searching, and humbling of spirit, and willingness to hear and learn and think and feel a new way of being in this world, in order for them to move forward productively and in a unified consciousness. Interestingly, this can only happen by choice. The Indigos are powerful, perhaps beyond their own understanding and their own imaginations, which is still within their reach.
Regardless of popular beliefs and pros and cons being tossed around in innocence or ignorance, whichever is applicable, the facts are verifiable that life feels different today. This is particularly true for those who desire to be in relationships with someone. Difficulties and distractions are rampant. Loyalty and trust are close to extinction. Sharing life is defined by what has been learned from television programs, movies, and music videos. Communication has nearly been extinguished with technology. Social media is a Trojan horse. Lust has been mistaken for love, while love tends to elude most, and lust tends to destroy many.
The Indigo Road seminar for couples is an interactive experiential seminar designed to stimulate the loving heart and the loving mind. It is a seven hour full day seminar with a one hour lunch break. Individual and collective journeys have sometimes taken one too far away to a place incompatible with who they were designed to be. The Indigo Road seminar supports all participants in reconnecting with that which is compatible and brings joy and growth. But, this experience is solely dependent on the choices and desires of the participant. Resistors will have an entirely different experience.
For further information regarding how to book the Indigo Road seminar, please see our contact page. Thank you.